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FileMaker Tools: FileMaker Clipboard Reader

Tool imageThis tool allows you to copy FileMaker objects to the clipboard and convert them to FileMaker XML text quickly and easily. This is useful because it allows you to create custom tools to fit your own needs. As you build your toolkit, you will find that your programming becomes more efficient.

*Requires Mac OS X
Compatible with FileMaker 9, 10, 11

NO LONGER FOR SALE (was Single User License: $19)
For site and multi-user licenses, please contact us for pricing.

How does it work?

Here is a 4:40 minute video that demonstrates how to use this tool to build your own custom tools. You can also download the video (7.9 MB).

Tool image

FileMaker Clipboard Reader is also available as a bundle with Script Building Blocks. NO LONGER FOR SALE (was Single User License: $49)
For site and multi-user licenses, please contact us for pricing.

Once you have completed payment, we will email you the toolkit files. Please note that this could take 1 or more hours, because the toolkit is customized for you based on your registration name.

Wishing you fast, easy and accurate FileMaker development. Enjoy.


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