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BaseElements Plugin Functions

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The table below:

The HTML for this table was "code generated" from a FileMaker database.

Function Type Intro'ed
BE_AlternateButton Constants 1.0
BE_ApplyXSLT ( xmlPath ; xslt ; outputPath ) XML, XSLT and JSON 1.0
BE_ApplyXSLTInMemory ( xml ; xslt ) XML, XSLT and JSON 1.2
BE_ArrayGetSize ( array ) Value Lists 3.3
BE_ArrayGetValue ( array ; valueNumber ) Value Lists 3.3
BE_ArraySetFromValueList ( valueList ) Value Lists 3.3
BE_Base64_Decode ( text { ; name } ) Encoding and Encryption 1.3
BE_Base64_Encode ( data ) Encoding and Encryption 1.3
BE_Base64_URL_Encode ( data ) Encoding and Encryption 2.0
BE_CancelButton Constants 1.0
BE_ClipboardFormats Clipboard 1.0
BE_ClipboardText ( format ) Clipboard 1.0
BE_ContainerCompress ( data {; filename } ) Containers 1.0
BE_ContainerIsCompressed ( containerField ) Containers 3.1
BE_ContainerUncompress ( gzip_data {; filename } ) Containers 3.1
BE_ConvertContainer ( field {; type ; width ; height } ) Containers 3.1
BE_CopyFile ( from ; to ) File and Folder 1.1
BE_CreateFolder ( path ) File and Folder 1.0
BE_Curl_Set_Option ( { option ; value } ) HTTP and URLs 2.1
BE_Curl_Trace HTTP and URLs 3.1
BE_CurrentTimeMilliseconds Time 2.0
BE_Decrypt_AES ( key ; text ) Encoding and Encryption 2.3
BE_DeleteFile ( path ) File and Folder 1.0
BE_DisplayDialog ( title ; message ; defaultButton { ; cancelButton ; alternateButton } ) Dialogs 1.0
BE_Encrypt_AES ( key ; text ) Encoding and Encryption 2.3
BE_EvaluateJavaScript ( text ) Miscellaneous 3.1
BE_ExecuteScript ( scriptName { ; fileName ; parameter } ) Miscellaneous 1.2
BE_ExecuteShellCommand ( command { ; waitForResponse } ) Miscellaneous 1.1
BE_ExecuteSystemCommand ( command { ; timeout } ) Miscellaneous 2.0
BE_ExportFieldContents ( field ; outputPath ) Containers 3.0
BE_ExportFieldContents ( field ; outputPath ) File and Folder 3.0
BE_File_Modification_Timestamp ( path ) File and Folder 3.2
BE_FileExists ( path ) File and Folder 1.0
BE_FileMaker_Fields Miscellaneous 1.1
BE_FileMaker_Tables Miscellaneous 1.1
BE_FileMakerSQL ( sqlStatement { ; columnSeparator ; rowSeparator ; database } ) Miscellaneous 1.2
BE_FileSize ( path ) File and Folder 2.0
BE_FileType_All Constants 1.2
BE_FileType_File Constants 1.2
BE_FileType_Folder Constants 1.2
BE_FTP_Delete ( url {; username ; password } ) HTTP and URLs 3.2
BE_FTP_Upload ( url ; data {; username ; password } ) HTTP and URLs 3.0
BE_GetLastDDLError Error Checking 2.0
BE_GetLastError Error Checking 1.2
BE_GetPreference ( key { ; domain } ) Preferences 1.3
BE_Gzip ( data {; filename } ) Zip and GZip 3.3
BE_HMAC ( text ; key {; algorithm ; encoding } ) Encoding and Encryption 3.0
BE_HTTP_DELETE ( url {; username ; password } ) HTTP and URLs 2.0
BE_HTTP_GET ( url {; filename ; username ; password } ) HTTP and URLs 1.2
BE_HTTP_GET_File ( url {; filename ; username ; password } ) HTTP and URLs 1.2
BE_HTTP_PATCH ( url ; parameters { ; username ; password } ) HTTP and URLs 3.3
BE_HTTP_POST ( url ; parameters { ; username ; password } ) HTTP and URLs 1.3
BE_HTTP_PUT_DATA ( url ; data {; username ; password } ) HTTP and URLs 2.1
BE_HTTP_PUT_FILE ( url ; path {; username ; password } ) HTTP and URLs 2.0
BE_HTTP_Response_Code HTTP and URLs 1.3
BE_HTTP_Response_Headers HTTP and URLs 1.3
BE_HTTP_Set_Custom_Header ( header ; value ) HTTP and URLs 1.3
BE_HTTP_Set_Proxy ( proxy {; port ; username ; password } ) HTTP and URLs 2.0
BE_ImportFile ( path {; compress } ) Containers 3.1
BE_JPEG_Recompress ( jpeg {; compressionLevel ; scale } ) Containers 3.1
BE_JSON_ArraySize ( json ) XML, XSLT and JSON 2.1
BE_JSON_Encode ( key {; value ; type } ) XML, XSLT and JSON 2.1
BE_JSON_Error_Description Error Checking 2.1
BE_JSONPath ( json ; path ) XML, XSLT and JSON 2.1
BE_ListFilesInFolder ( path {; type ; includeSubdirectories ; useFullPath } ) File and Folder 1.1
BE_MessageDigest ( text {; algorithm ; encoding } ) Encoding and Encryption 1.2
BE_MessageDigestAlgorithm_MD5 Constants 3.0
BE_MessageDigestAlgorithm_MDC2 Constants 3.0
BE_MessageDigestAlgorithm_SHA Constants 3.0
BE_MessageDigestAlgorithm_SHA1 Constants 3.0
BE_MessageDigestAlgorithm_SHA224 Constants 3.0
BE_MessageDigestAlgorithm_SHA256 Constants 3.0
BE_MessageDigestAlgorithm_SHA384 Constants 3.0
BE_MessageDigestAlgorithm_SHA512 Constants 3.0
BE_MessageDigestType_MD5 Constants 1.2
BE_MessageDigestType_SHA256 Constants 1.2
BE_MoveFile ( from ; to ) File and Folder 1.1
BE_OKButton Constants 1.0
BE_OpenFile ( path ) File and Folder 1.3
BE_OpenURL ( url ) HTTP and URLs 1.1
BE_Pause ( milliseconds ) Miscellaneous 3.3
BE_ProgressDialog ( title ; description {; maximum } ) Dialogs 2.1
BE_ProgressDialog_Update ( number {; description } ) Dialogs 2.1
BE_ReadTextFromFile ( path ) File and Folder 1.0
BE_RegularExpression ( text ; expression {; options ; replaceString } ) Miscellaneous 3.2
BE_SaveFileDialog ( prompt {; fileName ; inFolder } ) Dialogs 2.3
BE_SaveURLToFile ( url ; path {; username ; password } ) File and Folder 1.2
BE_SelectFile ( prompt {; inFolder } ) Dialogs 1.0
BE_SelectFolder ( prompt {; inFolder } ) Dialogs 1.0
BE_SetClipboardText ( text ; format ) Clipboard 1.0
BE_SetPreference ( key ; value {; domain} ) Preferences 1.3
BE_SetTextEncoding ( { encoding } ) File and Folder 1.3
BE_SMTP_AddAttachment ( container ) SMTP Email 3.3
BE_SMTP_Send ( from ; to ; subject ; text { ; cc ; bcc ; replyTo ; html ; attachments } ) SMTP Email 3.1
BE_SMTP_Server ( server { ; port ; username ; password } ) SMTP Email 3.1
BE_TimeZoneOffset Time 2.0
BE_UnGzip ( gzip_data {; filename } ) Zip and GZip 3.3
BE_Unzip ( archive {; output_directory} ) Zip and GZip 1.3
BE_UTCMilliseconds Time 2.0
BE_Values_ContainsDuplicates ( listOfValues {; caseSensitive } ) Value Lists 3.1
BE_Values_FilterOut ( textToFilter ; filterValues {; caseSensitive } ) Value Lists 2.1
BE_Values_Sort ( listOfValues ) Value Lists 2.1
BE_Values_TimesDuplicated ( listOfValues ; numberOfTimes ) Value Lists 3.2
BE_Values_Trim ( listOfValues ) Value Lists 3.3
BE_Values_Unique ( listOfValues {; caseSensitive } ) Value Lists 2.1
BE_Vector_DotProduct ( a ; b ) Vectors 3.2
BE_Vector_EuclideanDistance ( a ; b ) Vectors 3.2
BE_Version Miscellaneous 1.0
BE_VersionAutoUpdate Miscellaneous 1.0
BE_WriteTextToFile ( path ; text {; append} ) File and Folder 1.0
BE_Xero_SetTokens ( consumer_key ; private_key ) HTTP and URLs 3.0
BE_XML_Parse ( path ) XML, XSLT and JSON 2.2
BE_XPath ( xml ; xpath {; namespaceList ; asText } ) XML, XSLT and JSON 1.2
BE_XPathAll ( xml ; xpath {; namespaceList } ) XML, XSLT and JSON 1.2
BE_Zip ( file {; archive} ) Zip and GZip 1.3

This evolving document was built on information from the community and made better by contributions from many. Free to give us feedback here.

Some useful links:

Thanks to all those who helped make this document better. Remaining errors are ours. Here are some of the people who shared useful suggestions (listed alphabetically):

  • Nicholas Orr, Goya Pty Ltd

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


FileMaker is a trademark of FileMaker, Inc. Tony White Designs, Inc. is an independent entity. This document has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise affiliated with FileMaker, Inc.

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